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THERE IS ONLY ONE 7" + Shirt Package deal left (includes the last Clear 7") and it's for an XL shirt size. Once it's gone, it's gone.
We're sold out of Clear vinyl online. But we'll have the rest with us at shows.
We just recorded a cover of the song "Blister" from Jimmy Eat World to appear on a compilation for Glory Kid Records along with Ghostlimb, 7 Generations, Restrained, Final Fight, and The Sunset Limited to name a few.
Two new videos posted on our main page of our full set at the Glasshouse Record store last month. These were done by our awesome friend Chris Avis.
We're hoping to be recording our 12 song full length in January to be released on Collect Records.
Also hoping to hit up the entire West Coast (Up to Washington) in the coming months.
Check out DEADHEAD
http://www.myspace. com/deadheadpunks
This is Clayton and Jeremy's new side band.
Up the Punx!