Wednesday, December 30, 2009

new website

we have a new website we'll actually update.

and a merch site

Friday, June 12, 2009

Pre-Order up for "... to the beat of a dead horse".

From the 6131 Page.

11 song debut LP from Los Angeles', Touche Amore. There are three colors available for order. If you order all three we will do our best to get you all three colors. The colors are the following, and listed from most limited to the least limited: Black Grey Rust/Brown All orders come with a CD of the record. THIS IS A PREORDER. PREORDERS WILL BEGIN SHIPPING IN JULY.

Click Cover Art To Order


1) Now It's Happening In Mine
2) Honest Sleep
3) Cadence
4) Throwing Copper
5) Swimming With Sharks
6) History Reshits Itself (Feat. Geoff Rickly of Thursday/United Nations)
7) Suckerfish
8) Broken Records
9) Nine
10) Always Running, Never Looking Back (Feat. Jeff Eaton of Modern Life Is War)
11) Adieux

Write Up by Geoff Rickly:

Hailing from Los Angeles, Touche Amore set themselves against the glamour and greed of their hometown culture with "...To the Beat of a Dead Horse", the passionate debut LP/CD set for release in July through 6131/Collect Records.

In the last year, Touche Amore have become of vibrant part of the flourishing West Coast hardcore punk scene, successfully bridging gaps between subgenres. By playing their explosive and sincere music in every basement, VFW hall, club and space up and down the West coast, along side hardcore torchbearers Killing the Dream, Trash Talk and This is Hell as well as like-minded, discordant bands Ampere, Comadre and La Quiete, they have brought a feeling of togetherness and positivity to a scene they love. Unafraid to play their emotionally charged fury in front of uninitiated crowds, Touche Amore has even shared the stage with upbeat pop-punk bands such as Broadway Calls and folk-punk heroes Fake Problems making close friends along the way.

"...To the Beat of a Dead Horse" marks a real turning point in the life of the band. By focusing melodic and dissonant guitars on tracks like opener "And Now It's Happening In Mine", the band --made up of Tyson White, Clayton Stevens and Nick Steinhardt-- craft perfect backdrops for singer Jeremy Bolm's raw-throated stories of corrupt politicians("History Reshits Itself"), exhausted nights("Honest Sleep") and existential loneliness("Suckerfish"). Where TA's demo 7", on No Sleep Records, was full of promise, "...To the Beat of a Dead Horse," never feels fully realized: the guitars bend and weave but always maintain their drive, the rhythms are frequently off kilter but never off-time and the vocals are screamed at the edge of breaking up but they're always exciting, pleasing even. This record was completed not compromised.

The record features guest vocals by Thursday's Geoff Rickly and Modern Life Is War's Jeff Eaton. It was recorded by Alex Estrada at Earth City Studios and Mastered by Paul Miner(Suicide File, New Found Glory, Unbroken).

West Coast Hardcore powerhouse, 6131 Records(Alpha&Omega, Swamp Thing, Bad Seed) has teamed up with Geoff Rickly's new vinyl-only Collect Records(United Nations) to release this record in a beautiful duel LP/CD package.

After a spot on this year's Sound and Fury festival, the band will be touring extensively in support of "...To the Beat of a Dead Horse," with dates along side friends La Dispute and Thursday among many others.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Okay, so major apology for not keeping up with this. I'll assume you realize we finished our recording :)


The album titled " the beat of a dead horse" will be out in June sometime. Still waiting on an actual release date. It will be released through 6131 Records with some help from Collect Records. We're very proud of it and we hope everyone enjoys it.

We'll be going on a West Coast tour in August right after Sound & Fury. Booking is in the works but we'll be playing Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon and of course California.

We will be playing across the country and out to the East Coast in October and back. So expect a big tour around then. Feel free to help us out with booking that thing too, cuz it's going to be rough. La Dispute will be joining us for a lot of this in support of our 7" together.

Planned future releases:

Touche Amore + La Dispute - Collaborative 7" on No Sleep Records
Touche Amore/Olin and the Moon - Split 7" on Melotov Records.

Check out those other bands when you get a chance, they're incredible.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


We're currently in the studio recording our 11 song LP entitled "...To The Beat Of A Dead Horse". It's being recorded by our friend Alex Estrada at

I'd love to post the real track list, but since I'm a terrible procrastinator, I have yet to title all the songs properly. It sounds absolutely amazing thus far.


The night before anxiety kicked in worse than it's been in months. I came into the studio with 90 minutes of sleep in my system. Clayton picked me up at 10:00am for our 10:30am studio rendezvous. Z and Alex had already arrived and were starting to set up. We came baring caffeinated gifts and looks of excitement to get this thing underway.

I suppose now is as good of time as any to let everyone know that Z is no longer in Touche Amore. He was nice enough to agree to record. We don't have anyone lined up to replace him at the moment, but when it comes time to start that journey, we'll make it known.

Anyways... So Alex and Z knocked out all 11 songs in 4 1/2 hours. The drum sounds/tones are insane! This is seriously off to the best start possibly. Tomorrow Nick will do bass followed by Clayton doing his guitar tracks.